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Live Well Kershaw School-Based Healthcare Center

School-Based Healthcare Center

An initiative led by the Community Medical Clinic of Kershaw County

North Central High School has a School-Based Healthcare Center. It's like a minute clinic in school!  The school nurse can refer students to the SBHC where they will see the Nurse Practitioner, who diagnoses and treats common illnesses, cares for minor wounds, and writes prescriptions.  The SBHC also provides sports physicals, vaccinations, and routine lab tests.  Most SBHC services are available at no cost to NCHS families.

Little Suzie Healthcare Flow Chart

How the SBHC works:

  1. Suzie has an earache.  The School Nurse sends her to the SBHC.
  2. The Nurse Practitioner diagnoses an ear infection and sends her back to class. 
  3. The Nurse Practitioner calls Suzie's mom, sends an antibiotic prescription to the pharmacy and follows up with her family doctor.
  4. Suzie gets her antibiotic that day and doesn't miss any school.

Contact Us

Community Medical Clinic

P.O. Box 217, Camden, SC 29021

(803) 713-0806

SBHC Forms